Chronic repeated mouse/rat problem

Cant Write

Full Access Member
Sep 29, 2021
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Placerville CO
I have the PB bucket setup right now. They drown in 20 yr old dexcool!! I caught 3 in 2 days. I used a tin can so they can claw the metal.

Imma gonna try those electric traps.

In the last 4 days I’ve killed 4 mice and 2 chipmunks all at my front door.

My van is empty, 6 traps set, 2 balls of peppermint oil and no trace of them.

Now how do I get them outta my cathedral ceiling? My house has no attic. Just joist space with T&G knotty pine.

Cant Write

Full Access Member
Sep 29, 2021
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Placerville CO
Oh, I’ve been using the Payday candy bar.

My rat trap, which has killed 10 mice alone so far, just went missing. Prolly hooked to some chipmunks leg or tail.

The squirrels don’t seem to bother my house none. But the pack rats and chipmunks I use my grade school .22 with quiet rounds in them. Barely louder than a pellet gun.


Full Access Member
Sep 29, 2005
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I got an LED rope light, which I'll place on the ground underneath,

That got my head to thinkin' --- I have various LED flashlights that have a rapid flickering "strobe" as I flip through the switch positions on my way to OFF.

I wonder how mice would react to that constant annoying super-bright flickering aimed back in their dark recesses.


Feb 5, 2010
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edmond, ks
Be careful living in Colorado, the nut jobs in that state will classify
those varment`s as endangered species.

That's probably true. I haven't been given an exact answer, but I think that they did the same thing with prairie dogs. You have to look far and wide to find those things around here in Kansas, but in Colorado, there's more of those suckers than there are illegals in Denver. That's just from driving along a few highways. I haven't tried venturing off of the black top.


Feb 5, 2010
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edmond, ks
I wonder how mice would react to that constant annoying super-bright flickering aimed back in their dark recesses.
I think that would work as well. I think they like to build their nests in dark, hidden places. On the other hand, they might just grab some popcorn and sit back to enjoy old Frakenstein movies.


Full Access Member
Sep 29, 2005
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I haven't read it all; but, so far, nobody has mentioned good old poison.

They sell it by the trailer loads at the local feed mill.

Two kinds are deadly and the only ones the feed mill sells.

One looks like some sort of peanut candy bar and the brand-name is "Just One Bite"

The other, I can't right off recall the name, "Tom Cat" I think it is; hard bright green cubes that you wouldn't think they would go near; put a few of those here and there and you won't see any more mice.

Two more things to keep them out of parked vehicles = Cat **** and Skunk **** = spray it all over the tires and anywhere else you don't care to have feline ****.

You can buy either at a trapping supply store; just don't ever spill any as you will wear it to your grave.

If you know they are in the vehicle, pull the pins and toss several stout bug-bombs in the vehicle and immediately shut the door; they won't survive that.

Set a plain old 5-Gallon bucket in the middle of the floor with about 3-inches of water in it; you will be surprised at how many drowned mice will be in there after a few days.

If your mice are feeble and on crutches and old-age-assistance, lean some sort of ramp against the bucket; they will climb the ramp and, for reasons known only to them, jump down in the water and swim until they give out and drown.

You guys whose mice are stealing the peanut butter just don't know how to adjust a trap --- if your heart-beat from across the room doesn't throw them, they are not sensitive enough and you need to adjust them so.

Another thing = don't just set one here and there; but, place five or more together, all with the business end toward the center of the close circle --- the one that gets him probably won't be the one he was licking, but one that he inadvertently backed into while stealing bait from another --- done right, when one goes, they all go.


Full Access Member
Sep 29, 2005
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cost me nothing (Amazom vine)

How do you get in on that ?

I buy a ton of stuff from Amazon and leave lots of reviews and they have never offered me anything FREE.

I have read where people were looking for a particular something and they look "on Vine" to see what is available for FREE before looking elsewhere.


Full Access Member
Jul 30, 2023
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Hudson, Florida
I buy a ton of stuff from Amazon and leave lots of reviews and they have never offered me anything FREE
I'm on it with that first part of the statement, but Amazon won't let me leave reviews. I forget the exact wording they use, but basically I don't meet their community criteria. I've sent a couple of emails asking what it was I said and what it would take to get in their good graces, but they never reply. I must have said something rotten about Jeff Bezos and it's just flat out unforgivable. Bunch of thin skinned Sally boys.


Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
Reaction score
How do you get in on that ?

I buy a ton of stuff from Amazon and leave lots of reviews and they have never offered me anything FREE.

I have read where people were looking for a particular something and they look "on Vine" to see what is available for FREE before looking elsewhere.

It's an automated, random, invite only thing. You can't ask for it. You just suddenly get an email asking if you want to participate in it.


Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
Reaction score
While running new wires for the transmission temperature gauge, I found where the mice were coming in from up front, just below/behind the fuse panel on the firewall. A big hole someone cut. At least it made running in the new wires easy.

It's been two weeks or so and they seem all gone now.

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Old Goat

Full Access Member
Jan 14, 2021
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Northern Nevada
The description says they are electric, but I don't see how you would plug them in; are they rechargeable or something ?
The electric one`s use 4 "C" Cell batteries, at least the Victor one I have.
Maybe the smaller one`s use "AA" batteries.

Couple day ago my Wife said there was insulation on the Air Cleaner Lid.
Yesterday I opened the Hood to check the oil, there is this 8" circle chewed out
of the Hood Pad. Behind the Head Light on the inner Fender is this big pile of'
chewed up insulation.
This morning opened the hood to add a qt of oil, and I guess driving the car
most of the insulation blew out, but there is this little new born maybe Rat,
too big for a mouse, but was dead.
Threw it in the Chicken pen, made one of them happy.

Reminds me back in 64 when in High School, was in the FFA. Had my Steers
and Sheep etc... my buddy had a managery of critters. We would go out to
east San Jose and buy day old drop Calves for $10 from this Dairy. Raise them
and take to the Auction. had some Goats, we would pick them up by the rear
legs and let the Calves nurse off them, Goats didn`t like it. But it fattened
the Calves.
Any way in the barn has his feed, and some 50 gal drums we dumped the bags into.
We would get down there to feed and there would be 20 Mice in the barrel.
We picked them up by the tails, swing them around and throw to the Chickens.
They never had a chance. or throw them in the creek and play Bombs Away
throwing rocks at them. Kids are cruel... but it was fun. Those were the days.
