Borg Warner IP.... Thoughts?

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Mar 29, 2011
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Fowlerville Michigan
Mud kicker you take it how you want if my I phone would let me pm this I would have. he had insisted that he pay the core charge and turn the pump over the the lost section and it never be seen again. Sorry I even asked lol anyone who needs somthing and willing to pay more than its worth just to learn more about it and find out if there's a way or idea that you could make that thing function in a different way and benefit from it. There is dyno graphs of turbo trucks with tht pump dynoed and they dyno higher and it helps the boost some. Maybe there was a way to improve it maybe not. Sorry I did not answer his question all I did was state I would rather have it than a parts store. Lol and a Nigerian you bring up different races in the attemp to dictate a type of person is racist and I would think you need the vacation for that as we're not all all the same here. I in no way tried to ROB the guy of his ip. Just expressed I wanted it in no way will I attemp to ask someone again for what they see as trash as want to throw away. Sorry.

It is not that fact that you asked for his old IP, it is HOW you asked for it. you pretty much called him an idiot b/c of the choice he had made. like i said before you made it seem like it was the end of the world if he did not sell you his old IP. it would have helped if you would have explained why you wanted it so bad as well.

Anyways, i am pretty sure everybody has since dropped it so why don't you do the same.

Devon Harley

Full Access Member
Mar 13, 2012
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San Diego
Also I see it in the view of a new guy I went 2 years by myself fixin my truck I had bought that went into a river. Just two months a new guy got ripped for askin questions that there were answers to with little reading same as this guy he already knew the answer he stated that hes read the bad here. Honestly usings the nigorians to dictate how I was acting is the most RACIST thing I has ever read on OB and it discusses me honestly wow how low are you? Are you some old school white power dude? not everyone here is white! I could be nigerian you thank you! You need the vacation. I in no way tried to ROB the guy o his ip I was willing to pay more than what he was gonna get. As for knowing the function I dont completly I know what the screw does and also know that you can have the same turbo on a truck one with tip and one with ip tip dynos higher every time. If it made no difference well I learned the hard way. Icanfixall has stated he has never seen the larger webs in the td block most people say it wont matter but yet they don't know either at all IH did several things to these motors that were ahead of there time and they faised out before people knew what had been built or cared to take the time. Back to what ever is NEW is the best. Anyways sorry I was the only one to derail the thread all make sure I don't try and buy someone else's parts that are being thrown away for more than cost out of rarity. I have a large intrest in our trucks and in havin to keep myself from becoming over addicted.

Devon Harley

Full Access Member
Mar 13, 2012
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San Diego
Ya I'm done jus funny how you guys can turn around somthing and do say as you please and thts supposed to be it maybe if he had such a problem with how I said it he should have pm me instead of goin about it that way. I re read the thread as mud kicker said and when I foun his (racist)comment I was a bit pushed to re post that is bull to dictate or blame a certain race for your own enjoyment in stating how I was acting boy he had to be mad to sit there and think about what to say an then type racial remarks. I did say I was sorry and you and him rolled one like your a mod and the way you see it is right lol others did see it my way before I even asked for it he was hell fired that it would e better off goin in as a core and he would rather that then to help out someone! That's self centered! So ya maybe I was off but so was he. and those kind of comments are nothing but a narrow minded racial moron.

Devon Harley

Full Access Member
Mar 13, 2012
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San Diego
Same with you and your f finger ( I know you knew and saw Mel's post) ( you posting that f finger guy say f Mel who cares what he has to say I know a way around it) you guys you too took it way outta your control to make yourselfs feel like a big boss.


Mar 29, 2011
Reaction score
Fowlerville Michigan
you have no idea how much i want to respond to those last two posts but since i no longer want to waste my time with you i am done. your one of those people who just keep going and going and going and the only way to get you to stop is to ignore you so that is what i am going to do. pretty sure mel said to get back to the tech in this thread and what do you do come back with the drama.

Devon Harley

Full Access Member
Mar 13, 2012
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San Diego
Exactly niether one of you can man up and say sorry for your actions. Just try and blame me and go on about how you two are perfect and should be mods. Sorry I don't roll onto my back I am not your prey. There nothing to respond to I apologized and stated how I had saw it and posted things you two had said same as you too had done to me. This thread had turned out horriable as you 2 tried to be mods. If what I did was so wrong and I should be banned you should have not said a word and reported it. Thanks devon...

Devon Harley

Full Access Member
Mar 13, 2012
Reaction score
San Diego
Lol that's fine if so it will (show that racism is aloud on this site and you the few standing behind) I have yet to cuss nor harm anyone I've been scolded for tryin to buy an ip sorry It did sound pushy but yet e was pushy to give it to a parts store. Lol an again another person tryin to be a mod. I will not let a racist comment go I tried to re read this thread several times to make sure I know what I had done wrong and to apologize an point out facts as you all jumped on me. If I get sent away so be it I will make sure to pass around mud kickers rascit bs I tried to drop it last night and again they went on on on I will not roll over like a dead dog I pointed out my wrong doing and apologized for it and others still went on how I'm horriable and kept makin comments tell it got racial. I've posted before on how it is not right for name calling sticking up for what was said about all people on ob. With your racial comments like that in a country that is becoming a mixed minority now this site will bite the dust. An the comments after mine not posting ad apologie and condoning the racism when nothing I said was. shows your in the wrong.


I lost my face to the jaws of a poodle
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Guys lets knock it off.
You've been warned once. If you can't keep this thread technical and continue to take jabs at each other, this thread will be done and those that continue to take it further in the tech forums will be given some time off.


I'm the cotton swab
Dec 29, 2010
Reaction score
cottage grove, wi
Wow, is this a forum about old Ford Tucks or a forums for 22 year old ricers?

I am not singling anyone out, really, dont take offense.

What impresses me about this board is the maturity of its members, their dedication to this breed of engines/trucks and its really not being displayed here in this thread.

For those that havent posted on this forum from a cell phone, give Devon a small brake. It sux. I totally understand how short replies can be when using a phone, but this is gone way off track now.

Can an administrator / moderator delete the non- relevant posts in this thread?
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