Borg Warner IP.... Thoughts?

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Full Access Member
Apr 15, 2007
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NITRO WV 25143
Lol that's fine if so it will (show that racism is aloud on this site and you the few standing behind) I have yet to cuss nor harm anyone I've been scolded for tryin to buy an ip sorry It did sound pushy but yet e was pushy to give it to a parts store. Lol an again another person tryin to be a mod. I will not let a racist comment go I tried to re read this thread several times to make sure I know what I had done wrong and to apologize an point out facts as you all jumped on me. If I get sent away so be it I will make sure to pass around mud kickers rascit bs I tried to drop it last night and again they went on on on I will not roll over like a dead dog I pointed out my wrong doing and apologized for it and others still went on how I'm horriable and kept makin comments tell it got racial. I've posted before on how it is not right for name calling sticking up for what was said about all people on ob. With your racial comments like that in a country that is becoming a mixed minority now this site will bite the dust. An the comments after mine not posting ad apologie and condoning the racism when nothing I said was. shows your in the wrong.

so your going to spread around lies about me when in FACT i have never said anything raciest? i guess you didnt go and reread the thread, also i haven't changed anything in my posts so they are as they were originally. to the point everyone jumped on you, to was needed, due to the FACT that you did insult him by the way you were asking about purchase of the IP. i believe you are missing the HUGE point everyone is trying to tell you, noone is mad because you asked him to sell you the old part, they got mad in the manner that you did. and now your getting pissy about it. if you really believe you are right, did nothing wrong, and so forth, then agree to disagree and let it go, no more keyboard cowboy posts, ok? i dont want to be a mod here, i have never asked, and prob never will, but i was telling it as i felt and i believe some people agreed with me. i could say much more but im not, not worth it,
we have given the OP some advice, and i hope he listens, but if i was the new guy on here, and all this happened with a simple question, i really dont think i could believe much of it, nor stick around to ask more questions cause how could i believe what was said. i could post that im a ASE cert. master tech and say you must listen to me, and that would be mostly FACT, cause i am a ASE cert. master tech, but the false part would be he must listen to me. i have 13.6 years experience in the auto and light truck field, and for 2.3 years i worked on heavy equipment and big trucks, but that means nothing for someone that has never met me, and if i dont conduct myself in a manner that is considered trustworthy, friendly, or legit, all the advice in the world wont mean anything either.

also for anyone in here that thinks i have said something wrong, dishonest, or out of place please just let me know.

now lets hope this OP gets his truck fixed, with a good quality part, and stays around for a while.


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Jun 24, 2004
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i tried filtering out the crap in this thread and figured out there really isn't much that can be saved. As a result, this thread is done.
As I posted before and I will post again, this forum is not a free-for-all for members to bash each other. Mods and admins cannot police every thread, so if there is something like this thread is going on, please hit the "notify moderator" button. As far as I am concerned, everyone who participated in the brawl in this thread is on notice that if you are found doing this again, you will get a vacation. Those of you involved know who you are, you don't need to act innocent about it. As far as people accusing this forum "dying", the tone and attitude is set by the participating members here. If you want this to be a better place, be the better man. Lead by setting a good example and notify the mods if you feel someone is being disrespectful.
That is all.


Using the Force!
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2005
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Delta, PA
I'm very disappointed in you two. There was an excellent opportunity to just move on, but ya didn't. These threads add no value to the forum.


Supporting Member
Mar 24, 2004
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I'm going to weigh in on this as a viewer from 'afar' but with a very keen interest in this site.

First off, I'm pretty taken aback at how a new guy was introduced to our culture here. A number of you should be pretty ashamed at how you welcomed a new guy to our circle. I've never in my life introduced a new guy into a circle of my life (outside the net) and chastised him for not doing something "my way".

Secondly - POOGAS never once asked anybody what the old pump was worth, never once tried to up the price on his worn out equipment. All he did was ask for advice on what he had purchased.

Thirdly - There was absolutely NO MENTION OF RACISM in this thread, if you are not bright enough to understand what the Nigerian Scam is I question if you are bright enough to log onto the internet. For someone to cry racism in this thread is ridiculous and shows a very low level of maturity.

And finally - the :flipa smiley is going NOWHERE! Neither is :moon: or :drunk: or :***: or :kick: or :fan: or -Showtits .

If these things offend you then you are in the wrong place, I will back Mel and say if you cannot compose a post without dropping the "F" bomb then again, you are in the wrong place. If you dont know how to appropriately use the smileys in this forum or if you dont know how to take it when a member uses them in response to one of your posts, you need to evaluate yourself.
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