Waste Motor Oil as fuel in a 7.3?


Full Access Member
Sep 12, 2007
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ive been thinkin ....

no way, it needs to be heated first then pressure filtered. Its hard to shove it through one micron filters heated let alone gravity un heated. There is an easier way to do it.

Heres my simple simple setup.

I have and old diesel transfer tank and pump combo in my bed. I plumbed in a 10 micron primary and a one micron final filter after the pump. I simply pour my waste oil into the tank. And then take a 5500W water heater element that i hard wire to a 240 plug and wire setup then drop it in the 90 gallons or so of oil turn it on and a half hour later its boiling hot. The convection will mix the oils and burn up and steam out and water. i do this till there is no more water vapor coming out, then turn the element off.

I then take the nozzle put it in the same hole i just pour the oil in and turn the pump on. I let the pump run until the oil is so cold it wont flow any more, keeping wet rags and spray water bottles around to keep the pump cool.

This effectivly filters the oil for cheap and no mess.


Registered User
Dec 12, 2007
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North Carolina
I have a real simple rig. Oil is screened to remove chunks. Filtered down to 5 microns with a pneumatic pump pushing the oil through the filters. I blend mine after screening and before filtering. Mixing is done in a 55 gallon drum. Warm weather 10 gallons diesel, cold weather 15 gallons diesel then fill the drum with WMO mix and your done. The fuel is pumped from the drum through the filters into my truck. Been running a 97 crew cab F350 with 250,00 on it like this for a year with no problems. Good power towing and more than enough running empty.


Registered User
Dec 23, 2005
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NE Kansas
I had always intended to do this until i read an instruction manual on a waste oil boiler. It was made to burn waste oil and was talking about the maintenance to clean out the combustion chamber. it turns out that small bits of metal and other contaminants suspended in the oil (they filtered that stuff too) built up after a time in the combustion chamber until it was 1/8" thick of so and you had to clean it once a year or so. Granted, that might be 3000 gallons of motor oil before it got there - but it was a concern to me.


Registered User
Dec 15, 2008
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i hae 2003 7.3 with 141k, been using oil for about 6 months with no problem.. i have 65 gal heated tank that uses coolant from engine to heat the tank, when its hot i switch over. paid $2,000 for the tank from american tank.. complete tank set up all the way down to the wire ties.. i was impressed..i also have a fuel pressure gauge so i can see when the fuel filter on the truck needs changing. i have seen after a 400 mile drive i tend to get dirty injectors a hard open throttle on diesel will clean this up, also run gallon of atf in the stock tank to help clean injectors. filter process oil is picked up stored in outside 600 gal tank were it settles for day or weeks. water removal is done at the bottom with a valve or sometime i will light a fire under tanks and heat oil and it boils out. i transfer to a 300 gallon tank in garage and then this tank is pressurized to 80lbs and this forces the oil to my filter which is a large bypass filter stacked heavy with blue jean material layered up, then this goes into a 55 gal drum. when i fill the truck up it then goes through the pump that has a goldern rod filter.. never had any problems using this at all. i think i will purchase the centrifuge set up from dieselcraft.com this will allow faster filter time and even cleaner oil with the soot being removed as well.. last week i drove 1400 mile on $150 not bad.. this week im gonna do another long trip north. i think i will run oil empty then when im pulling the large trailer back i will run on diesel. truck does not like to idle much on the oil so i always run when on the open road. all said and done i will have about 5k in the whole set up.. ouch but with 65 gallons and i filled it up many times in 6 month i will get that back fast


Registered User
Dec 15, 2008
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sorry one more thing i just got back my oil analysis and it does show high traces of additives from the oil being used as fuel so after 45k on my oil i changed it out and filter. will run it a few thousand then send another to compare.. overall i would not do anything different


Registered User
Oct 28, 2009
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venus tx
thanks for all the help guys. now that spring will be here soon i think im gonna get started on putting my system together.


Registered User
Dec 15, 2008
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today i did the loop return from the fuel filter as mentioned in plantdrive.com.. had some questions about some of the filters on the plant drive site.. they have a lot of info and after reading still had questions.. i thought the guy was very rude in his emails to me. he only emails no phone calls as he says he is to buys to talk but yey he can email me multiple times in 10 min..no customer service with that company.. anyway with the loop when i switch from oil to diesel my return line dumps oil back in oil tank keeping stock tank clean free of oil. i use the diesel 911 fuel treatment in stock tank and notice after 20-30 miles i lose the smoke faster then purging on straight diesel. dieselcraft centrifuge is working good as long as the oil is real hot for filtering and about 6 hrs 55 gals is filtered 12 times.. down to 1 micron.. i may add the plantdrive veghtherm to make sure oil is as hot as i can get in at the injectors..


bilge rat
May 8, 2007
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Coastal BC
Anyone looked at a centrifuge solution? Seems to me media filters are going to get expensive and tedious for the amount of oil you would be processing,


Registered User
Feb 3, 2010
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knoxville, tn
ok, I don't mean to hi-jack this thread but, I am completely new to this whole WVO/WMO/ATF stuff, are folks just dumping this stuff into their fuel tank and running it like diesel fuel? I understand that if it's cold outside you need to heat it up but if the ambient temp is above, For arguments sake, 70 degrees, can you run it without heating it up? Are you just running the heaters because of it being to viscous? Or are you heating it for another reason? Sorry, I am an idiot sometimes.


Registered User
Dec 15, 2008
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u2slow.... i use a diesel craft opus 50 centrifuge, i have the complete set up cost..2,000k it cleans 105 gallons in 1 hr down to 1 micron. i let it filter for about 4-6 hrs depending how dirty it is.
mudxtc.....u want to heat it to thin it like diesel when it goes in injectors, i read above my post..in the summer you still need to heat it up.. i have aux tank so im always purging on 100 % diesel. THIS WILL NOT WORK IN NEW ENGINES. i have 03 7.3 idi... www.plantdrive.com www.dieselcraft.com


be nice to the admin :D
Oct 4, 2006
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York PA
there is not a whole lot out there on running wmo but it i a very similer process to running wvo and there is PLENTY of reading on that on the web. most guys start off dumping there extra oil in there tank a gallon or two at a time and go from there. at about 70 i can run a 50/50 mix of diesel/wmo without problem. filter filter filter. you want to get the crap out.


smoke em out
Oct 22, 2007
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Lewisburg, PA
there is not a whole lot out there on running wmo but it i a very similer process to running wvo and there is PLENTY of reading on that on the web. most guys start off dumping there extra oil in there tank a gallon or two at a time and go from there. at about 70 i can run a 50/50 mix of diesel/wmo without problem. filter filter filter. you want to get the crap out.

I've ran up to a 50/50 mix wmo/clear diesel in the winter, and up to 75% wmo/pump or clear diesel in the summer. I've been doing this for two plus years in a psd that has 268k on it. So I have put over 50k on it wile running wmo so far. I usually, after a couple tanks of mix, will run a tank or two of strait pump diesel with an additive in it [power services or marvels mystery oil seem to work good for me]. This helps keep buildup out of the factory tanks... well maybe not but it makes me feel better. Like Jred said....filter filter filter


Ford Country!
Aug 18, 2009
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Eudora, KS
We burn waste oil to heat our shop. Its mainly engine oil, but also has gas, trans fluid, hydraulic fluid or anything else that burns. Thats all we use to heat our work area. Its a big shop. Does great. Yes, you do have to clean the burner area cause it does build up with carbon and stuff. We scrape it probably twice or just one time during the winter. Of course your gonna get build up since its not filtered very good. I just run it into 55gal drums. I have a screen into the barrel that gets the big chunks out but thats as far as I go with filtering. If the oil has a lot of water in it i run it into a water separator and let gravity do its thing and I just drain off the water at the bottom of our separator. Works great for us and saves us tons on heating.
Im also interested in burnin wmo in my 99 7.3. I've already been saving my engine oil. So far got 15qts haha. Got a ways to go! But that gives me time to set my system. Has anyone on here been using wmo ALONG TIME in their truck? Like yrs with a powerstroke? I dont want to mess my truck up at all you know?