C6 Lock up torque converter.


Full Access Member
May 5, 2023
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Virginia... in the brambles
By the time you were done you would have a different model of transmission, if I know Ford model number stuff well enough it would be called the "C-6E"
Maybe...back in the day before that screwball Brit that the Ford family put in charge 'fixed' it so we have to have a lift and AC machine to work on our stuff...but that is another story...

Let's say that Ford did decide to add a lockup to the C-6...well...they took the C-4 and added a mechanical lock-up convertor and changed the valve body to accommodate the resultant harsher shifts...they called it a C-5....

It is quite possible that a lockup C-6 would have been a....(Gasp)...C-7..!!!

Think of the possibilities..? Then again..it could have very well been a C-6E !

Fortunately...I believe the E4OD was already in the works...so...they didn't need to do anything of the sort....

The stuff I come up with sometimes....you would think that I had better things to do..?


Full Access Member
Jan 15, 2019
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Let's say that Ford did decide to add a lockup to the C-6...well...they took the C-4 and added a mechanical lock-up convertor and changed the valve body to accommodate the resultant harsher shifts...they called it a C-5....
The c-5 was in my opinion the worst transmission ford ever had. At certain speeds the stupid things were always gear hunting.



Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Dec 24, 2005
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I intend to say this in the nicest way possible...but I always have been blunt...

and...that tendency has always got me into trouble...but...honesty is the best policy...

I am going to say that I am sorry to bust your bubble right now before I shoot my mouth off...

Here goes...and like Larry The Cable Guy always says..."Dear God I am sorry...."

There is no way right now to install what is commonly accepted as a 'lock-up' torque convertor in a C-6 transmission...and get it to work as generally expected....without major re-engineering of the input shaft, pump, case and valvebody....

That advertisement is a mistake...probably by an IT 'pro' that doesn't know anything about transmissions and torque convertors.

On a diesel application the best you can do with a C-6 is to get the lowest stall possible to make use of the torque curve you have at an extremely low (compared to gas engines) RPM range...

If someone is talking about 'lock-up' in reference to a C-6 then they must be referring to an extremely low RPM 'coupling point' where both the impeller and turbine are spinning roughly the same speed under load...

There is no 100% mechanical locking together of both elements at any time...

Now...what can happen is that the component that is splined to the transmission input shaft...it's rotational speed can exceed that of the housing that is bolted to the engine...when you are coasting...especially downhill...


There is no 100% mechanical locking together of both elements at any time...

I hope we can put this fallacy (that you can make a 'lock-up' torque convertor work in a C-6..) to bed, now...

There, I said it...

And to top it off...I'll bet you...uh...your first welding project....

Well...it was better than betting your first-born...

Just my unasked-for .02...

P.S. If you want a true lock-up torque convertor in your truck...the best way to go...(in my opinion) is a version of the E4OD...if you have ever been inside of one...it is a big, beautiful unit...that I would be proud to drive...if I had built it and had intimate knowledge of every part I put into it...

Ok...now I am done...
EXACTLY.!!! No way to make a lockup convertor C6.


Full Access Member
May 5, 2023
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Virginia... in the brambles
the e40d lockup tc locks with hydraulics?
It works with a combination of mechanical, hydraulic, and electronic systems all operating in concert...when things are actually 'working'...

Mechanical lock-up

hydraulically operated

with electrical and electronic assistance and strategy...

Lock-up function has been achieved in the past without the electrical and electronic assistance and strategy...but...it needed to have a hydraulic system that was tailored to each vehicle and intended use...pretty involved and expensive and prone to eventual malfunction...

Even the type of fluid and its condition and eventual degredation was a factor in how it would work in the long term...

And...the american buying public can be finicky, flighty, flaky, and ...hard to please....

Once a digital processor was available it made things more do-able...