Walbro FRB-13-2 6-8 psi 43 gph

Kevin 007

Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
Nelson BC Canada
So after a year of running the FRB-13 on an idi. I have had ZERO issues with it.

I have it mounted on the frame rail with a spin on racor filter upstream and a pressure gauge in the engine compartment ahead of the factory fuel filter. It spends more time around 3-4 psi rather then 6-8 like advertised. Probably due to the fact that these things return so much fuel. I did temporarily restrict the return line and that did boost pressure up to the 6psi mark again at cruising and less under load. But I would rather not have the return restricted.

And I have recently been supplementing about 10% of my diesel with WMO. (run thru a centrifuge with absolute care) and I noticed that the FRB13 doesnt' really like it. The pressure drops down to 1psi under load.

So I just installed a Walbro Frb-22. It's rated up to 12psi. Real world psi on the idi is 6-9, down to 5 under WOT. but up to 9 when idling or coasting. So I will install a pressure regulator ahead of the factory fuel filter (not sure what brand yet and im open to suggestions); and restrict it to 6spi on the nose.

...just an update on the FRB front.